“There is a voice within you which no-one, not even you, has heard.
Give yourself the opportunity of silence and begin to develop your listening in order to hear, deep within yourself, the music of your own soul .” O'Dononhue
A break in the wilderness as Realignment or Powerful Affirmation
*Eine Reise durch die Jahreszeiten der menschlichen Natur*
24-hour solo
DATE: 20.-24. April 2022
VENUE: Main-Tauber district, forest camp
Flexible & solidary pricing
We are currently offering our 1zu1 offers at a "guide price". In order to make it possible for people who are in economic hardship, especially in these exciting and challenging times, upwards and downwards deviations from this price are possible.
Guide price: €440 plus €45 additional costs
MANAGEMENT: Bettina Wagner & Jens Schwarzenbolz
Your accommodation is a tepee on our farm at the edge of the forest with a composting toilet and electricity. Or your own tent or mobile home. For the solo time we are in the woods.
Bist du bereit für den Blick in den Spiegel der Natur?
Sometimes there are times when a Retreat creates clarity and inspiration again.
In these 5 days we want to take this time to talk to you to deal with inner questions and your process of change . We will come together in a small group and join the Council with our individual concerns and meet intentions. Together we will listen to what you are all about and prepare you for "the time alone in the forest". The wisdom of the "Four Shields" will accompany us
The 24-Hour Solo is a "threshold walk" where you set up a small camp in a spot in the woods to spend a full day and night alone. During your stay behind the threshold you fast and your equipment is minimal.
We will set up a small base camp nearby to support you from there.
You and the other participants cross the threshold into solo time at sunrise.
With your intention or question, you encounter the natural environment and surrender to what comes to you. You can rest and sleep at your solo camp or roam and float as you please. You are free to organize your time and pick up the tracks that appeal to you. From dusk you are in your solo camp and listen to the silence and the nightlife of the forest. You can also encounter powerful impressions here. The night is often an intense and special time.
After sunrise you and the others return to the base camp.
After that we will hear and reflect the stories in the Council.
We have time to integrate what we have experienced and to prepare for "the next". together to sense in and see what it takes.
More to the Initiative process support®
Sometimes there are times when a Retreat creates clarity and inspiration again.
In these 5 days we want to take this time to talk to you to deal with inner questions and your process of change . We will come together in a small group and join the Council with our individual concerns and meet intentions. Together we will listen to what you are all about and prepare you for "the time alone in the forest". The wisdom of the "Four Shields" will accompany us
The 24-Hour Solo is a "threshold walk" where you set up a small camp in a spot in the woods to spend a full day and night alone. During your stay behind the threshold you fast and your equipment is minimal.
We will set up a small base camp nearby to support you from there.
You and the other participants cross the threshold into solo time at sunrise.
With your intention or question, you encounter the natural environment and surrender to what comes to you. You can rest and sleep at your solo camp or roam and float as you please. You are free to organize your time and pick up the tracks that appeal to you. From dusk you are in your solo camp and listen to the silence and the nightlife of the forest. You can also encounter powerful impressions here. The night is often an intense and special time.
After sunrise you and the others return to the base camp.
After that we will hear and reflect the stories in the Council.
We have time to integrate what we have experienced and to prepare for "the next". together to sense in and see what it takes.
More to the Initiative process support®
Die Vier Schilde Seminarreihe
Das naturpsychologische Entwicklungsmodell der VIER SCHILDE ist ein Lebensrad, in dem die unterschiedlichen Qualitäten und Kräfte des Jahreslaufes und der Natur, auch der menschlichen Natur, in 4 unterscheidbare Felder, die so genannten Schilde, unterteilt sind. Dadurch, dass diese Schilde miteinander in Beziehung stehen und sich, wenn sie sich frei entfalten können, in zyklischem Wechsel ablösen, hat dieses Modell das Potenzial einer wertvollen Orientierungshilfe in den Wirren des Lebens.
In dieser Seminarreihe, wollen wir den verschiedenen Qualitäten des Lebens ihren Raum geben und dadurch erlebbar und nutzbar machen. Jedes Seminar steht also schwerpunktmäßig im Zeichen eines bestimmten Schildes. Gleichzeitig steckt in jedem Schild die Weisheit des ganzen Rades.
Further information
DATE: 20.-24. April 2022
VENUE: Main-Tauber district, forest camp
Flexible & solidary pricing
We are currently offering our 1zu1 offers at a "guide price". In order to make it possible for people who are in economic hardship, especially in these exciting and challenging times, upwards and downwards deviations from this price are possible.
Guide price: €440 plus €45 additional costs
MANAGEMENT: Bettina Wagner & Jens Schwarzenbolz
Your accommodation is a tepee on our farm at the edge of the forest with a composting toilet and electricity. Or your own tent or mobile home. For the solo time we are in the woods.
Your accommodation is a tepee on our farm at the edge of the forest with a composting toilet and electricity. Or your own tent or mobile home. For the solo time we are in the woods.
You fast on your 24-hour solo, otherwise breakfast and lunch (Brotzeit) are self-catering. We provide the warm evening meals (organic & regional) and prepare them together.
Further information about equipment, arrival, current rules of conduct, etc. will follow after contacting us.